Saturday, November 28, 2015

Empowerment and Motivation

How you are motivated can determine how you are empowered.


Three Ways to Simplify Your Life

People often get overwhelmed in life. Have you tried to cut back to make life manageable? We get more and more things, then we need more money to maintain everything in our lives. We have become dependent upon electronics and smart phones.  We are in constant communication with everyone and life seems to get more complicated and confusing.
Isn't it time that we simplify our lives?
I think can empower yourself by reexamining your life, strengthening the essentials, and eliminating the waste in your lives.
I am in a season of life where there are simply too many things that I would like to do, but don't have the time. So I have been thinking a lot lately about how I could simplify my life and be happier and feel better about my life.
There are three things that will make a person's life simpler and more fulfilling. Actually, I came up with a lot more than three, but realized that I could easily make things more complicated in an effort to simplify life. (Life is full of ironies like that.) I examined all of the things that I had listed and took the three things that I feel will make our lives more fulfilling and they all begin with a realistic examination of our lives.
We must honestly evaluate everything that we do and be willing to make the adjustments necessary to make our lives better. I recently saw a definition of discipline and have used this definition many times.
choosing between
what I want most
what I want now.
I love this definition because it sums up our lives well. We may want washboard abs, but are we willing to diet and exercise to get them. I believe that we all have ability to be healthy and fit if we are willing to do what is necessary.
Three things that will help us to simplify our lives and become more satisfied:
1. Determine what thing or two is most essential for personal growth and do them every day.
If you are not developing personally or professionally, you are declining. Ask yourself what are the most important things that I should do everyday that will help me become the person that I want to be? Things like exercise, Bible reading, praying, mediation, listening to sermons or development experts, or blogging. Make these things a priority and do them daily.
"If everything is a priority, then nothing is a priority."
2. List all of your daily activities, then label them as:
      1. Essential
      2. Useful
      3. Enjoyable
      4. Wasteful
Then focus on the essential and eliminate the wasteful.
Obviously, the things that essential and useful should be prioritized and strengthened. We should examine those things that are enjoyable--like watching TV for two hours every evening--and determine if we should exchange that activity for a more useful one.
But the thing here is to identify and eliminate those things that are wasteful in our lives.
3. Eliminate dead weight (i.e. things that hinder us).
We have all seen the movies where items were thrown out of a plane or over the side of a ship to lighten the load to prevent a horrible tragedy. Americans want to live outside of our means. I saw a movie years ago where a couple crash landed on a island. They had to walk to the other side of the island so that they could be saved. When the couple started out, the woman insisted that they carry her bags. By the time they reached the other side of the island, they had discarded all unnecessary weight. Her priorities had changed. Things that seemed important actually were hindrances.
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