Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Empowering Others

I have been doing research on power and empowerment and I want to hear from you. 

Please answer these questions:

1. In what ways do you feel you have POWER over your life and circumstances?

2. In what ways do you feel POWERLESS over your life and circumstances?

3. What would need to happen to give you more POWER over your life and circumstances?

4. In what ways can you EMPOWER others?

5. Tell how someone has EMPOWERED you.

Please copy and paste these questions in the comments box below or if you don't want your response seen, email them to

Thank you,

Your responses will help in the material I am preparing for a Model of Empowerment.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jimmy,

    Hope all is well your way. I'm not sure if you're familiar with Survey Monkey, but I’ve used it in the past and had good success. On Survey Monkey you can create and send out surveys, such as the one you have here about Empowerment.

    If it’s a small survey (10 questions with a 100 responses) then you can create the survey and send it out at no cost. It’s really easy to use—both in creating the survey and taking the survey. It’s confidential too.

    Here is a link to their website:

