Friday, May 8, 2015

Zinzendorf and Divine Empowerment

Count Zinzendorf was divinely empowered when he connected with God. He spent his entire life connecting others to God. He serves as a great example for all who desire to see others divinely empowered.

Count Nicolaus Ludwigvon Zinzendorf is a hero of mine. Not only was this very unusual man a gifted writer of hymns, but he was also an ardent exponent of foreign missions.
Zinzendorf was only ten years old when his soul was fired with a passionate desire to do something to help win the world for Christ. He was a pupil at the Pietist school of at Halle, Germany. At the time, and through his efforts a mission society known as “The Order of the Grain of Mustard Seed,” was organized among the lads of his own age.
A few years later he viewed a copy of Sternberg’s masterpiece, “Ecce Homo,” depicting Christ wearing His crown of thorns before Pilate and the Jewish mob. Beneath the famous picture were inscribed the words:

This have I done for thee;
What hast thou done for Me?
From that moment Zinzendorf took as his life motto: “I have but one passion, and that is He and only He.” On his wedding day, in 1722, he and his young bride decided to renounce their rank and to dedicate their lives to the task of winning souls for Christ.
I am glad that the zeal to experience the Lord's presence is growing, but it seems like the zeal for evangelism is not.

I invite you to follow my blog and share my passion for the church and ministry.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


 Do the little things in life keep you in the ruts?
Learning how to prioritize work or house tasks and accomplish them can help us be more effective and more fulfilled.

1. Prioritize the things you need to do.
Every task has a level of urgency and importance. There are four possible combinations. Understanding this will help us to prioritize the things we must get done.
  • Not important, not urgent
  • Not important, urgent
  • Important, not urgent
  • Important, urgent
2. Just not procrastinate.
Sometimes the best thing to do is to just get started.

3. Learn the art of self-motivation.
Do not wait for your boss to motivate you into action; you may not like how it is done. If you are self-employed or do not have direct supervision, the ability to motivate yourself is a must. Give yourself rewards for accomplishing tasks. When facing decisions about what you need to do, ask yourself what will give you the greatest sense of satisfaction or relief when it is done--then do it.

4. Focus on what you are doing and stay on task.
Plan ahead to eliminate known distractions.

5. Don't be afraid to ask for help.

It is better to finish well with a little help than it is to not finish on you own.
6. Be accountable.
Individuals that can work well without someone to be accountable to are rare.
There are many more elements that help us get things done, but these six have helped me finish many projects.

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